Wed, 02. Oct 2024 Nadj, Mario
Paper accepted for this year's International Conference on Information Systems
We are pleased to announce that the chair of Prof. Nadj will be represented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) with the following full paper:
Jonas Gunklach, Mario Nadj, Merlin Knaeble, Isabela Bragaglia & Alexander Mädche (2024). Designing for Effective Human-Guided Machine Learning Feasibility Analysis
ICIS is considered one of the most prestigious gatherings of academics and research-oriented practitioners in the field of information systems worldwide. The goal of the conference is to create an inclusive meeting place for people in the field of information systems to discuss fundamental and innovative issues in the field.
This year's conference theme “Digital Platforms for Emerging Societies” aims to investigate the expansive role of information technology in driving economic and societal transformation across the globe.
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