
 Wed, 19. Mar 2025

Paper accepted for this year's CHI Conference for Late-Breaking Work

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Nadj's chair will be represented at the CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems with the following Late-Breaking Work:

Lukas Schick, Michael Thomas Knierim, Benjamin Gaube, Mario Nadj & Alexander Mädche (2025). Mental Readiness and Fatigue: Extended Perspectives on Cognitive Functioning and Flow Experiences at Work 

The ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the leading international conference on Human-Computer Interaction.

The “Late-Breaking Works” track offers the CHI community the opportunity to present new and exciting papers that introduce innovative technologies, extend previous research discussions, describe short, self-contained studies, or stimulate new work and ideas.